
Risk It All

"That's what I mean: Risk your life and get more than you ever dreamed of. 
Play it safe and end up holding the bag."  Luke 19:26 (The Message Bible)

In the 19th Chapter of Luke, A Ruler had given 10 of his servants money while he was away on business.  He instructed each of his servants to use this money to live while he was traveling.  When he returned he asked each of the men to show them what money they had left & what they had done with the money.  The first servant had doubled is money, the second gained a 50% profit and the final servant had hidden his money to keep it safe.  The Ruler applauded the first servant for doubling his money and gave him rule over 10 towns, the second he gave 5 towns, but the third disappointed...he took his money and gave it to the first servant saying, "That's what I mean: Risk your life and get more than you ever dreamed of. Play it safe and end up holding the bag."  Luke 19:26 (The Message Bible)

I believe in life we are all given abilities and opportunities.  Some of us break out of the fear of failure, use our abilities and take hold of opportunities and change the world.  While some of us out of fear of losing it all have hidden our abilities, our God given treasures and what do we have to show for it? In this risk, there is something amazing that happens.  When we give of ourselves, openly and freely to the abilities that God has given us, he steps in and his faithfulness abounds.  Give all you have, because where your abilities end, God's faithfulness begins.

Today, I am going to give freely of myself for God's plan.  I pray that every ability that I have God can find a use for.  I pray that I am alert and receptive to His plan and the needs of His people around me.  Today, I'll risk it all and get more than I have ever dreamed...

~ Jessica

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