
Gluten-free Vegetarian Quinoa Bean Burgers

Gluten-free Vegetarian Quinoa Bean Burgers with Vegan Option

4 cups cooked quinoa
1 can drained, rinsed black beans
1/2 can stewed tomatoes, drained
1/4c egg beaters or all whites
1/2 cup roasted frozen corn
4 scallions or green onion, minced
1/4 cup oat flour
2 cups monterey jack cheese
small handful fresh cilantro, diced
olive oil or your favorite oil

Prepare a large baking sheet with a layer of parchment paper, if you have the latter. The paper is optional but makes life easier. Preheat oven to 350F.

Combine quinoa, beans, and tomato in a medium-large bowl. Stir with your hands or a large spoon, mashing the beans a little if possible. Create a well in the mixture for the egg and use a fork to whisk whites into the yolk. Fold the egg into the mixture and combine thoroughly. Microwave briefly or cook your corn so it is no longer frozen and stir into your mixture along with the minced green onion. Sprinkle with half of your flour and fold in. Add your second half of the flour and combine. Sprinkle with cheese or un-cheese and mix it so it is evenly distributed throughout. Add cilantro, fold together one final time. See if you can create a patty with the mixture. If it is too wet, add a little more flour.

On medium-high, heat enough oil in a nonstick or well-seasoned cast iron pan to cover the bottom of the pan. Carefully add enough medium-size patties, one at a time, to cover the bottom of the pan and not have them touching each other. I had two full batches. Fry until each patty has a golden-brown crust on the bottom and then carefully turn over. Cook second side until golden brown.

Carefully remove first batch to your baking sheet and put in oven. Let bake while you make the second batch in your skillet, about 15 to 20 minutes. Serve while the second batch is in the oven, if you like.


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