
Juicing: Is It Healthier?

Juicing has become a huge craze all over the globe, especially after the Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead documentary! Among the many health benefits of juicing, there are some do’s and don’ts that you should be aware of before jumping on the juicing bandwagon.

Juicing probably is not any healthier than eating whole fruits and vegetables. Essentially, juicing extracts the juice from fresh fruits and vegetables, resulting in a liquid containing most of the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients found in the whole fruit. However, much of the healthy fiber found in whole foods is lost during the juicing process.

Many health professionals say that juicing is a rejuvenating practice that allows your body to absorb the nutrients better and faster while giving your digestive system a rest from the constant work of processing and breaking down your foods. Drinking the right combination of fruit and vegetable juice can help reduce your risk for cancer, boost your immune system, help remove toxins from your body, aid in digestion and help you lose weight.

For many, juicing is an easier way to get the right amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet while avoiding some of the textures and cooking time that turn some people off of vegetables. Furthermore, combining fruit & vegetable juice can cover the flavor of vegetables that you usually wouldn’t favor in your diet. The flavor combinations are unending, giving you a huge array of quality veggies!

So, what are some of the tips & tricks for juicing the right way?

1.  Skip the headache and buy a great juicer the first time around! For many, money is a deciding factor when purchasing kitchen appliances, or in this economy really anything! But, when it comes to buying a juicer, you get what you pay for. There are many great juicers on the market these days and sorry to say our good buddy, Jack Lalanne, is no longer at the top of the list. My two favorites are the Breville or the Omega. Anything less will only get you frustrated. 
2.  Make only as much juice as you can drink at one time. Fresh juice can quickly develop harmful bacteria. Extra juice can be stored for up to 24 hours. 
3.  Keep it air tight. The longer your fresh juice is exposed to the air, the more nutrients it loses. Keep all of your juice in an air-tight container (preferably glass) and store in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. 

4.  Keep some pulp! Not only does the pulp have healthy fiber, but it will help fill you up and keep you full longer. 

5.  Some juices from fruits and vegetables can contain more sugar than you might think. This can add unwanted calories and lead to weight gain. Opt for the 60/40 rule at the beginning. 60% veggies & 40% fruit. As your taste buds become accustomed, gradually increase the amount of veggies. I find for the best weight loss results, I use an 80/20 rule. 80% veggies & 20% fruit.

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